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Cool Facts About Our Solar System


  1. It is a little bigger than Earth’s Moon.
  2. A year on Mercury is only 88 Earth days.
  3. Not only is Mercury the smallest planet in the solar system, it is also shrinking!
  4. Not only does Mercury have the most craters inthe solar system, the biggest crater in Mercury could fit Western Europe!


  1. A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.
  2. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, despite it being farther than Mercury is to the Sun. The reason is because of its thick atmosphere and the greenhouse effect.
  3. The atmospheric pressure of Venus is 90 times that of Earth. So, the pressure on Venus could potentially crush you.
  4. Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates clockwise.


  1. Earth isn’t actually round.
  2. Coral Reefs are Earth’s largest living structure.
  3. The Moon is slowly drifting away from Earth.
  4. Earth has a squishy interior.


  1. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes which is a bit longer than a day on Earth.
  2. A year on Mars lasts 687 days (which is 1.9 Earth years).
  3. Mars is home to Olympus Mons, a dormant volcano and the largest volcano and highest mountain in our solar system. It is 3x the height of Mount Everest.
  4. Mars has the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris.


  1. Jupiter is so massive, it could’ve been a star but it wasn’t big enough.
  2. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.
  3. Jupiter does have rings, but they aren’t that easy to see it.
  4. Jupiter is also the oldest planet, forming from the Sun’s leftovers.


  1. Saturn has the most amount of natural satellites in the solar system, with 146 of them as of 2023.
  2. The rings on Saturn aren’t solid. It’s made up of rocks other materials, which is separated.
  3. Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system.
  4. Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.


  1. Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system.
  2. Uranus orbits the Sun on its side.
  3. A season on Uranus lasts one long day (On Uranus): 21 Earth years.
  4. Uranus has only been visited once by the Voyager-2 spacecraft.
  5. Uranus has rings.
  6. Uranus was the first planet discovered in the modern


  1. A year on Neptune is equal to 164.81 Earth years.
  2. Neptune is blue because of Methane.
  3. Neptune has at least 5 rings.
  4. Neptune is 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth.




  1. The Sun contains 99.86% of all the mass in the solarsystem.
  2. The Sun’s temperature can go from 5,973°C to 15,000,000°C.
  3. Usually, it takes 27 Earth days for the Sun to rotate around its own axis (Also known as 1 Sun day).
  4. The Sun’s average orbital speed around the Milky Way is 720,000 km/h (200 km/s).
  5. The Sun’s type is a Yellow Dwarf.
  6. The Sun’s equator circumference is 4,379,000 km. For some context, the Sun could roughly fit 1.3 Million Earths.

Our location in the Universe

We are on Earth, a planet in the solar system, which is in the Milky Way galaxy, on one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way (Called the Orion Arm) which lies about two-thirds of the way out from the center of the galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is the second largest galaxy of the Local Group (The first is Andromeda galaxy). And the Local Group is in the Virgo Supercluster.

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